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Quick Word Add

This article will show you how to add a word to an existing meaning by the "QUICK ADD" method. In case, if you think, the word and the meaning both are new to XOBDO.ORG, then please follow the instructions given in "How to submit words and their meanings".

STEP-1. Either go to the dictionary page as shown below or directly search an English word from the homepage.

In this example, we are searching the English word "boat" as shown below and will wait till the meaning appears.

Once the meaning appears we will make sure that the word we intend to submit does not exist.

We intend to submit the Hindi word 'नाव'. We confirmed in the previous step that it does not exist.
(If the word exists with proper meaning, we will try to enter another word and repeat from STEP-1)
So, we click the "Add New Word" button as shown below:

A pop-up window will appear as shown below. Now, ...
a) We selected the language, "Hindi" in this case. If the language you intend to submit does not appear in the list, please update your user profile and include that language to your profile.
b) We entered the word, and
c) clicked "Submit"

We will wait till some message appear.

That`s all. Submission is process is completed.