Patrol cap (English) [ IPA: pəˈtroʊl ˈkæp ASM: পেট্ৰ’ল কেপ]
Contributed by: Atul Ch. Kakoti on 2010-04-21
English: Field cap, Patrol cap,
Assamese: সৈনিক টুপী
Patrol cap (English) [ IPA: pəˈtroʊl ˈkæp ASM: পেট্ৰ’ল কেপ]
Contributed by: Atul Ch. Kakoti on 2010-04-21
1. (Material Noun-Neuter) A soft cap with a stiff, rounded visor, and flat top, worn by military personnel.
Assamese: সৈনিক টুপী