
flirt (English) [ IPA: ˈflərt ASM: ফ্লিৰ্ট]
Contributed by: Partha P Sarmah on 2009-04-12
1. (Common Noun-Common &/or Masculine) somebody(usually a man)who has more than natural interest for the members of opposite sex and likes to be (always)with them. (কথিত)বিপৰীত লিংগৰ লোকৰ প্রতি অত্যধিক প্রীতি থকা আৰু অনৰবৰতে তেওঁলোকৰ সৈতে সময় কটাবলৈ ভাল পোৱা লোক, (সধাৰণতে পুৰুষ)।
English: flirt,
Assamese: চেনি,
Khasi: pynbieit

Contributed by: Priya Konwar on 2021-11-14
2. Literature(Common Noun-Feminine) a girl or woman who behaves in a way that is considered shocking or morally wrong চঞ্চল স্বভাৱৰ মহিলা