ogyap-ga:yapoh my God

oh (English) [ IPA: (ˈ)oʊ ASM: অহ্]
Contributed by: Bornaly Hazarika on 2011-02-21
1. (Interjection) an exclamation, expressing deep sympathy at the stage of one's distress. আনৰ দুখত গভীৰ সহানুভুতি অনুভৱ কৰি প্ৰকাশ কৰা মাত ।

oh (Dimasa)
Contributed by: Kulendra Daulagupu on 2012-05-20
2. (Interjection) a word used for confirming one's views
English: well, yea,
Assamese: অৱশ্যে, আচ্ছা, এৰা,
Bodo: ,
Nagamese: atsa,
Dimasa: oh, om,
Deori: চ্চুই