हर समहरखाब नुसननाय

हरखाब (Bodo) [ Roman: hor.khab]
Contributed by: Karishma Boro on 2023-02-28
1. (Proper Adj.-Common) without prior notice আগ-জাননী নোহোৱাকৈ

Contributed by: Karishma Boro on 2023-04-23
2. (Abstract Noun) acting or being without the intervention of another object, cause, or agency; being next in line or relation; occurring, acting, or accomplished without loss or interval of time অন্য কোনো বস্তু, কাৰণ বা অনুষ্ঠানৰ বিনা হস্তক্ষেপে কৰা বা হোৱা; সময় ক্ষতি নকৰাকৈ হোৱা বা কৰা

Contributed by: Karishma Boro on 2023-03-01
3. (Proper Adj.-Common) an action which was not performed consciously. যিটো কাম ইচ্ছা কৰি কৰা হোৱা নাই।