খোদিত কৰ্খোন্তা

খোনা (Assamese) [ Roman: kho`.na]
dfc: -জনী, -টো
Contributed by: Buljit Buragohain বুলজিৎ বুঢ়াগোহাঁই on 2007-12-27
Ref: আধুনিক অসমীয়া শব্দকোষ
1. (Common Noun-Common) A person who gets involuntarily interrupted while speaking কথা কওঁতে যাৰ লাগি লাগি ধৰে৷

Contributed by: Buljit Buragohain বুলজিৎ বুঢ়াগোহাঁই on 2007-12-27
2. (Abstract Noun) to speak haltingly with repetition of certain sounds or syllables ৰৈ ৰৈ কথা কোৱা কাৰ্য্য|

Contributed by: Probodh Borah (প্ৰবোধ বৰা) on 2012-04-10
3. (Verb-Intran.) to speak with involuntary breaks and pauses, or with spasmodic repetitions of syllables or sounds স্বভাৱগতভাৱে ৰৈ ৰৈ কথা ক
English: stammer,
Assamese: খোনা,
Garo: bitbata