
পাতিহাঁহ (Assamese) [ Roman: pa.ti.ha~h]
plc: -বোৰ, dfc: -জনী
Contributed by: Buljit Buragohain বুলজিৎ বুঢ়াগোহাঁই on 2006-08-23
1. Bird(Common Noun-Common) Mallard or dabbling ducks belong to the subfamily Anatinae of the waterfowl family Anatidae. Mallard is the ancestor of almost all of the varieties of domestic ducks. Mallard or dabbling duck is the well-known and most recognizable of all ducks. The breeding male is unmistakable, with a green head, black rear end and a yellowish orange (can also contain some red) bill tipped with black (as opposed to the dark brown bill in females). The female Mallard is light brown with white mix spoted. সাধাৰণতে সকলোৱে পোহা এবিধ ঘৰচীয়া হাঁহ৷
English: Dabbling Duck, Mallard Duck,
Assamese: পাতিহাঁহ,
Dimasa: hagrani daoplamju

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