Vamanavatar (English) [ IPA: বামন অৱতাৰ ASM: বামন অৱতাৰ]
Contributed by: Anjal Borah (অঞ্জল বৰা) on 2008-12-06
Vamanavatar (English) [ IPA: বামন অৱতাৰ ASM: বামন অৱতাৰ]
Contributed by: Anjal Borah (অঞ্জল বৰা) on 2008-12-06
1. (Proper Noun) Vamana is the fifth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, as a dwarf priest. Legend says that Bali, the king of demons captured the three worlds (earth, heaven, and the subterranean region called patal) through devotion and penance. As a result, Lord Indra, the King of the Devas, lost his monopoly in heaven and went to worship Lord Vishnu. To help the Devas, Lord Vishnu incarnated as Vamana and requested Bali to gift him as much land as he could measure with his three steps. Vamana captured heaven and earth with two steps, and due to lack of space, he kept his third step on the King’s head and pushed him down to Patal. বিষ্ণুৰ পঞ্চম অৱতাৰ ৷ তেওঁ বাওনা হৈ বলি ৰজাক চলনা কৰি তিনি পদ ভূমি বিচাৰে আৰু শেষত স্বৰ্গ, মত্য এখন ভৰিৰে আগুৰি ৰাখি দ্বিতীয়খন ভৰি থবলৈ ঠাই নোহোৱাত বলি ৰজাই নিজৰ শিৰ পাতি দিয়াত বিষ্ণুৱে বলি ৰজাৰ শিৰত ভৰি ৰাখি তেওঁক পাতাললৈ নিক্ষেপ কৰে৷