manga si sinitmangal

manga sta (TAI-Turung) [ IPA: mᵊga sta]
Contributed by: Rajshree Shyam on 2024-11-15
1. (Abstract Noun) The twelfth and last month of the Gregorian calendar, following November and preceding the January of the following year গ্ৰেগৰিয়ান কেলেণ্ডাৰৰ ১২-সংখ্যক বা শেষৰ মাহটো
English: december,
Assamese: ডিচেম্বৰ,
Bodo: डिसेम्बर,
Khasi: Nohprah, u bnai nohprah,
Garo: silginchi,
Bangla: ডিসেম্বর,
TAI-Khamti: nng sip song,
TAI-Turung: manga sta,
Singpho: maga ta,
Tutsa: latei