stomach ache (English) [ IPA: ˈstəmək ˈeɪk ASM: ষ্টমাক এচ]
Contributed by: Atul Ch. Kakoti on 2009-12-18
English: abdominal pain, stomach ache,
Assamese: জঠৰজ্বালা, পেটৰ বিষ,
Mising: aki-kinam,
Karbi: pok keso,
Nepali: भुँडि दुख्नु
stomach ache (English) [ IPA: ˈstəmək ˈeɪk ASM: ষ্টমাক এচ]
Contributed by: Atul Ch. Kakoti on 2009-12-18
1. Medical Science(Abstract Noun) A pain of the stomach or abdominal associated with transient disorders or serious disease. পাকস্থলীৰ বিজুতিৰ বাবে হোৱা বিষ৷
Assamese: জঠৰজ্বালা, পেটৰ বিষ,
Mising: aki-kinam,
Karbi: pok keso,
Nepali: भुँडि दुख्नु