corvus splendenscosmetic
Cosmatic shop (English) [ IPA: Cosmatic ˈʃɑp ASM: কচমেটিক চপ]
Contributed by: Atul Ch. Kakoti on 2010-04-29
Cosmatic shop (English) [ IPA: Cosmatic ˈʃɑp ASM: কচমেটিক চপ]
Contributed by: Atul Ch. Kakoti on 2010-04-29
1. Business-Commerce-Economics(Material Noun-Neuter) A shop where trades cosmetics materials i.e. creams, lotions, powders, perfumes, lipsticks, nail polish, eye and facial makeup, hair colors, deodorants, baby products and many other types of products. প্ৰসাধনৰ সামগ্ৰী পোৱা দোকান।