black redstartsBlack Sea

black saw-wing (English) [ IPA: black saw-wing ASM: ব্লেক চ-উইং]
Contributed by: Atul Ch. Kakoti on 2009-06-20
1. (Common Noun-Common) The Black Saw-wing or Black Rough-winged Swallow is a small passerine bird in the swallow family. It is near about 13-15 cm length with a forked tail. Its plumage is blue-glossed black. তেলটুপি চৰাইজনী দেখিবলৈ কিচ কিচ কৈ ক’লা আৰু দেখাত তেল ঘঁহি থকাৰ দৰে লাগে ৷ই দীঘল ফান খনৰে সৈতে কুলি চৰাইজনীতকৈ অলপ সৰু আৰু মসৃণ৷

English: black saw-wing, Sand-martin,
Assamese: তেলটুপি