
chapchar kut (English)
Contributed by: Parthajyoti Buragohain on 2024-10-30
1. Festival(Abstract Noun) A spring festival celebrated by the Mizo people in Mizoram, India. It is celebrated during March after completion of their most arduous task of jhum operation i.e., jungle-clearing (clearing of the remnants of burning). It is a spring festival celebrated with great favour and gaiety.
English: chapchar kut,
Mizo (Lushai): chapchar kut

chapchar kut (Mizo (Lushai)) [ IPA: ʰapcʰar kut]
Contributed by: Parthajyoti Buragohain on 2024-10-30
2. Festival(Abstract Noun) A spring festival celebrated by the Mizo people in Mizoram, India. It is celebrated during March after completion of their most arduous task of jhum operation i.e., jungle-clearing (clearing of the remnants of burning). It is a spring festival celebrated with great favour and gaiety.
English: chapchar kut,
Mizo (Lushai): chapchar kut