
chiti (Garo)
Contributed by: Mousumi Konwar on 2023-06-28
1. (Proper Adj.) a diplomatic epistle to a kind sent by another through an accredited agent. কটকী বা উকীলে এক ৰজাৰপৰা আন ৰজালৈ নিয়া পত্ৰ৷
English: epistle,
Assamese: উকীল-পত্ৰ,
Khasi: ka shithi,
Garo: chiti

Chiti (Karbi)
Contributed by: Atur Kiri Ingti on 2009-02-05
2. (Proper Noun-Common &/or Masculine) the Karbi traditonal name for the month corresponding to September.
Karbi: Chiti