crop fieldcrop sequencing
crop rotation (English) [ IPA: ˈkrɑp roʊˈteɪʃən ASM: ক্ৰপ ৰ’টেচন]
Contributed by: Dr. Neelotpal Deka, LL.M. (IT & IP Law, UK) on 2007-08-02
crop rotation (English) [ IPA: ˈkrɑp roʊˈteɪʃən ASM: ক্ৰপ ৰ’টেচন]
Contributed by: Dr. Neelotpal Deka, LL.M. (IT & IP Law, UK) on 2007-08-02
Ref: Pronouncing Anglo-Assamese Dictionary by Suddhartha Barua, ed. Dr. Hiren Gohain
1. (Verbal Noun) the practice of growing a series of dissimilar types of crops in the same space in sequential seasons for various benefits such as to avoid the build up of pathogens and pests that often occurs when one species is continuously cropped. Crop rotation also seeks to balance the fertility demands of various crops to avoid excessive depletion of soil nutrients. একেখন পথাৰতে বিভিন্ন ঋতুত ক্ৰমান্বয়ে ভিন-ভিন শস্যৰ খেতি কৰা প্ৰণালী।