like this (English) [ IPA: ˈlaɪk ˈðɪs ASM: লাইক ডিচ]
Contributed by: Manjit Nath (মনজিৎ নাথ) on 2010-01-27
English: like this, this way,
Assamese: এইধৰণে, এইমতে, এইৰূপে, এনেকে, এনেকৈ, এনেদৰে, এহিমতে,
Mising: idok,
Nagamese: eneke
Contributed by: Bikram M Baruah on 2011-10-18
like this (English) [ IPA: ˈlaɪk ˈðɪs ASM: লাইক ডিচ]
Contributed by: Manjit Nath (মনজিৎ নাথ) on 2010-01-27
1. (Adverb) In a way or method shown/demonstrated কিবা কৰাৰ উপায় বা ধৰণ, যেনে- কামটো এনেদৰে কৰা
Assamese: এইধৰণে, এইমতে, এইৰূপে, এনেকে, এনেকৈ, এনেদৰে, এহিমতে,
Mising: idok,
Nagamese: eneke
Related Idea:
a. Proper Adj.: such, ইহেন, ঈদৃশ, এইৰূপ, এতাদৃশ...Contributed by: Bikram M Baruah on 2011-10-18
2. (Proper Adj.-Common) Have the characteristics shown or demonstrated.