literacyliteral meaning
literal (English) [ IPA: ˈlɪtrəl ASM: লিটাৰেল]
adj: literally
Contributed by: Partha P Sarmah on 2008-08-11
Contributed by: Partha P Sarmah on 2008-08-11
Contributed by: Partha P Sarmah on 2008-08-11
literal (English) [ IPA: ˈlɪtrəl ASM: লিটাৰেল]
adj: literally
Contributed by: Partha P Sarmah on 2008-08-11
1. (Adjective Adj.) the basic or obvious meaning of a word, phrase or a sentence; understanding them (or a text)without any interpretation or finding underlying meaning. কোনো শব্দ,বাক্য বা পাঠৰ স্পষ্ট, সহজবোধ্য, পোনপটীয়া অৰ্থ৷
Contributed by: Partha P Sarmah on 2008-08-11
2. (Adjective Adj.) (translation)that conforms the original words exactly. e.g. a literal translation. মূল পাঠৰ সৈতে আখৰে আখৰে বা হুবহু মিলা অনুবাদ৷
Contributed by: Partha P Sarmah on 2008-08-11
3. (Adjective Adj.) (of a person)lacking imagination কল্পনাশক্তি নোহোৱা বা অতি কম থকা৷