Magnoliophytamago si
magnum opus (English) [ IPA: ˈmægnəm ˈoʊpəs ASM: মেগনাম অপাচ]
Contributed by: Partha P Sarmah on 2007-12-02
magnum opus (English) [ IPA: ˈmægnəm ˈoʊpəs ASM: মেগনাম অপাচ]
Contributed by: Partha P Sarmah on 2007-12-02
1. (Abstract Noun) a work of art,music or literature that people think is the best/greatest that the artist/musician/writer has ever produced. মানুহে ভবামতে কোনো লেখক, কলাকাৰ বা সংগীতজ্ঞৰ সৰ্বোত্তম সৃষ্টি৷