reification (English) [ IPA: ˌreɪəfəˈkeɪʃən ASM: ৰেইফিকেচন]
Contributed by: mayur chetia on 2011-12-09
reification (English) [ IPA: ˌreɪəfəˈkeɪʃən ASM: ৰেইফিকেচন]
Contributed by: mayur chetia on 2011-12-09
1. (Abstract Noun) A concept popularised by Hungarian philosopher and literary critique George Lukacs. Reification means, `the act of transforming human properties, relations and actions into properties, relations and actions of man-produced things which have become independent of man and govern his life. Also transformation of human beings into thing like beings which do not behave in a human way but according to the laws of the thing-world. Reification is a special case of ALIENATION, its most radical and widespread form characteristic of modern capitalist society. For example, the idea that `money controls the lives of human beings` as if it is independent of human activities is a classic case of reified statement.