roseRose Balsam
rose apple (English) [ IPA: ˈroʊz ˈæpəl ASM: ৰ’জ এপল]
Contributed by: Pankaj Borah (পঙ্কজ বৰা) on 2008-08-14
Contributed by: Probodh Borah (প্ৰবোধ বৰা) on 2011-12-11
rose apple (English) [ IPA: ˈroʊz ˈæpəl ASM: ৰ’জ এপল]
Contributed by: Pankaj Borah (পঙ্কজ বৰা) on 2008-08-14
1. Fruits(Common Noun-Common) A southeast Asian evergreen tree (Syzygium jambos) widely cultivated for its showy flowers and fragrant, cream-yellow, ovoid fruits that are used for jellies and confections. দক্ষিণ-পূৱ এচিয়াত পোৱা এবিধ চিৰহৰিৎ উদ্ভিদ আৰু তাৰ সুস্বাদু ফল |
English: Eugenia jambos, rose apple, Syzygium jambossci ,
Assamese: আমৰুল, গোলাপী জামু, জামৰুল, পানী চম্পা, বগী জামু
Assamese: আমৰুল, গোলাপী জামু, জামৰুল, পানী চম্পা, বগী জামু
Related Idea:
a. Common Noun: black plum, doowet, eugenia jambolana, faux pistachier, Indian blackberry...Contributed by: Probodh Borah (প্ৰবোধ বৰা) on 2011-12-11
2. Fruits(Common Noun-Neuter) a tropical plant that bears a bell-shaped edible berry, with colors ranging from white, pale green, green, red, purple, crimson, to deep purple or even black. বগা, সেউজীয়া, গোলাপী বা ৰঙা ৰঙৰ টেঙা ফল ধৰা এবিধ গছ আৰু তাৰ ফল
English: bellfruit, cloud apple, Eugenia javanicasci , Jamaican Apple, java apple, love apple, mountain apple, rose apple, Royal Apple, Syzygium samarangensesci , water apple, wax apple, wax jambu,
Assamese: আমোল-টেঙা
Assamese: আমোল-টেঙা