take oathtake part
take off (English) [ IPA: ˈteɪk ˈɔf ASM: টেক অফ]
Contributed by: Ranjit Kr. Das on 2008-08-06
Contributed by: Kulendra Daulagupu on 2012-05-08
take off (English) [ IPA: ˈteɪk ˈɔf ASM: টেক অফ]
Contributed by: Ranjit Kr. Das on 2008-08-06
1. (Verb-Trans.) to remove cloth from one's body
Contributed by: Kulendra Daulagupu on 2012-05-08
2. Language-Linguistics(Verb-Intran.) (of an aeroplane, helicopter etc.)to leave the ground and become airborne.