
Deoriold (English) [ IPA: deori ASM: দেউৰী]
Contributed by: Anjali Sonowal on 2008-07-14
1. (Proper Noun-Common) A tribal community (and their surname) inhabiting the plains of Assam. অসমৰ এটা জনগোষ্ঠি আৰু তেওঁলোকৰ উপাধি ।
English: Deoriold ,
Assamese: দেউৰী,
Deori: জিমচ্চায়ান

Contributed by: Anjali Sonowal on 2008-07-14
2. (Proper Noun-Common) An officer of a temple, one who distributes to the people what was offered to an idol. দেৱালয়ৰ বিষয়া বিশেষ; দেৱতাৰ প্ৰসাদ বিলাই দিওতা|
English: Deoriold ,
Assamese: দেউৰী, বিলনীয়া