ayomayong (older)

ayong (Tiwa)
Contributed by: Biki Bordoloi on 2012-06-16
1. (Common Noun-Masculine) elder bother of ones mother নিজৰ মাতৃৰ ডাঙৰ ককায়েক৷

Contributed by: Biki Bordoloi on 2012-06-16
2. (Common Noun-Feminine) elder sister of ones father/mother নিজৰ মাক বা দেউতাকৰ বায়েক৷

Contributed by: Philippe Ramirez on 2010-04-07
3. (Common Noun-Masculine) elder brother of ones father নিজৰ দেউতাকৰ ককায়েক৷