carrion flycarrom men

carrom (English) [ IPA: কেৰ’ম ASM: কেৰ’ম]
Contributed by: Anjal Borah (অঞ্জল বৰা) on 2009-06-06
1. (Proper Noun) Carrom is a family of tabletop games.The game is played on a board of lacquered plywood, normally with a 29 inch (74 cm) square playing surface. Carrom can be played in twos (singles), where players sit on opposite ends of the Carrom board facing each other, or in fours (doubles), where team members sit opposite each other. There are nine white coins coins (or 'carrommen'), nine black carrommen, one red coin (called the Queen), and a larger, plastic disc (called the Striker). চাৰিওটা চুকত নেটৰ সৈতে ফুটা থকা কাঠৰ ফলকৰ ওপৰত চেপেটা ঘূৰণীয়া নটা বগা, নটা ক’লা আৰু এটা ৰঙা গুটি ষ্টাইকাৰেৰে মাৰি খেলা এবিধ খেল৷ ইয়াক দুজন বা চাৰিজন ব্যক্তিয়ে খেলিব পাৰে৷