chohaChoi hongthor

choi (Karbi) [ Roman: soi]
Contributed by: মৰ্ণিংকে ফাংচ` (Morningkeey Phangcho) on 2008-08-05
1. Textile(Material Noun-Neuter) A garment worn on upper half of the body. শৰীৰৰ ওপৰৰ অংশত সাধাৰণতে মতা মানুহে পিন্ধা এবিধ পোছাক।
English: kameez, shirt,
Assamese: কামিজ, চাৰ্ট, চোলা, পিৰান,
Bodo: गस्ला,
Mising: galug,
Khasi: ka soptipoh, sopti,
Garo: chola,
Meeteilon: furit,
Karbi: choi,
Hmar: zakuo,
Nagamese: kamiz,
Dimasa: sola,
Chakma: silum,
Nepali: कमेज, सार्ट,
Deori: জিমা

Related Idea:

a. Material Noun-Neuter: pant, pantaloon, pants, trouser, trousers...

choi (Nagamese)
Contributed by: Mousumi Konwar on 2023-05-05
2. (Abstract Noun) the number represented by the following number of stars: *** *** তলত দিয়া তৰা কেইটা গণনা কৰিলে পোৱা সংখ্যাটো *** ***
English: six,
Assamese: ছয়, ষড়,
Bodo: द’,
Mising: akkengko,
Khasi: hynriew,
Garo: dok,
Meeteilon: taruk,
Bishnupriya Manipuri: ছয়,
Mizo (Lushai): Paruk,
Karbi: throk,
Kok-Borok: Dok,
Hmar: paruk, ruk,
Nagamese: choi,
Dimasa: doh,
Apatani: khiiye,
Tai: ৰুক্,
Bangla: ছয়,
Nepali: , ,
Rabha: ক্ৰোৱ,
Tiwa: dok,
Deori: চ্চু,
Hajong: ছয়,
Santali: turui

Different POS:

a. Proper Adj.-Neuter: sixth, ষষ্ঠ, dokgipa, টী ৰুক্...