
ebony (English) [ IPA: ˈebəniː ASM: ইবনি]
Contributed by: Probodh Borah (প্ৰবোধ বৰা) on 2013-03-04
Ref: চন্দ্ৰকান্ত অভিধান
1. Tree(Common Noun-Common) a dense black wood, most commonly yielded by several species in the genus Diospyros, but ebony may also refer to other heavy, black (or dark colored) woods from unrelated species. Species of ebony include Diospyros ebenum (Ceylon ebony), native to southern India and Sri Lanka; Diospyros crassiflora (Gaboon ebony), native to western Africa; and Diospyros celebica (Makassar ebony), native to Indonesia এবিধ ঘন, ক’লা বৰণৰ কাঠগছ ৷দায়’স্পাইৰছৰ বিভিন্ন প্ৰজাতিৰ এইবিধ গছ দক্ষিণ ভাৰত, আফ্ৰিকা, ইন্দোনেছিয়া আদি ঠাইত পোৱা যায়৷
English: ebony,
Assamese: আবলথ, আবলুছ,
Khasi: ka dieng shyieng