
nonviolence (English) [ IPA: nonviolence ASM: ন’নভায়লেন্স]
Contributed by: Anjal Borah (অঞ্জল বৰা) on 2008-07-19
1. (Abstract Noun) absence or lack of violence; state or condition of avoiding violence. হিংসাৰ পৰা বিৰত থকা, পৰৰ অনিষ্ট নকৰা ৷
English: nonviolence,
Assamese: অদ্ৰোহ, অহিংসা


a. Abstract Noun: spite, violence, ঈৰ্ষা, হিংসা, hengisa...

Different POS:

b. Proper Adj.-Neuter: nonviolent, অহিংস...