
গোটাসজীয়া (Assamese) [ Roman: go`.ta.xo.jiya]
Contributed by: Biraj Kumar Kakati on 2010-10-20
1. (Proper Adj.-Neuter) Of, relating to, or having the shape of a cylinder, especially of a circular cylinder. চুঙাৰ দৰে দীঘল আৰু ঘূৰণীয়া আকৃতিৰ৷

Contributed by: Partha P Sarmah on 2012-05-17
2. Cuisine-Food(Material Noun-Neuter) object that occupies space, has shape and weight which one can see and feel. ওজন থকা, ঠাই আগুৰা আৰু আমি চাব, চুব পৰা বস্তু৷