পিচলা পিচলিই

পিচলি (Assamese) [ Decom:পিচল্+ি]

পিচলি (Deori) [ Roman: pi.cho.li]
Contributed by: Himasri Das on 2023-02-27
1. (Verb-Intran.) move smoothly, move obliquely or sideways, usually in an uncontrolled manner খোপনি হেৰুৱাই বাগৰি পৰ্
English: slip,
Assamese: পিচল, পিচল খা,
Meeteilon: nanthuba,
Karbi: ketut,
Nagamese: pisol,
Dimasa: gasle, jisle,
Deori: পিচলি

Contributed by: Himasri Das on 2023-02-27
2. (Verb-Trans.) Slide smoothly on aslippedry surface.

Contributed by: Himasri Das on 2023-02-27
3. (Verb-Trans.) to drag along on the ground or some other solid surface. মাটিত বা আন কোনো বস্তুৰ ওপৰত পেলাই ঘঁহাই টানি নি৷