
সীতা (Assamese) [ Roman: xi.ta]
Contributed by: Anjal Borah (অঞ্জল বৰা) on 2009-05-28
1. (Material Noun-Neuter) a long,narrow cut or trench in the ground made by a plough for planting seeds নাঙলৰ ফালেৰে মাটিত ঠেক, অগভীৰ কিন্তু দীঘলীয়াকৈ কৰা ছেদন, দেখাত সৰু নলাৰ নিচিনা| শস্যৰ বীজ সিচিবলৈ নাঙলেৰে মাটি চহাওঁতে মাটিয়ে এই আকৃতি লয়

Contributed by: Anjal Borah (অঞ্জল বৰা) on 2009-05-28
2. Religious-MythologicalHinduism(Proper Noun-Feminine) Sita is the wife of Rama the principal characters in the Ramayana, Sita was a foundling, discovered in a furrow in a ploughed field, and for that reason is regarded as a daughter of Bhudevi, the Goddess Mother Earth. She was found and adopted by Janaka, king of Mithila. মিথিলাৰ ৰজা জনকৰ (তোলনীয়া)জীয়েক আৰু ৰামচন্দ্ৰৰ ভাৰ্যা৷ জনক ৰজাই নাঙলৰ সীৰলুত সীতাক লাভ কৰে৷

সীতা (Bangla)
3. Religious-MythologicalHinduism(Proper Noun-Feminine) Sita is the wife of Rama the principal characters in the Ramayana, Sita was a foundling, discovered in a furrow in a ploughed field, and for that reason is regarded as a daughter of Bhudevi, the Goddess Mother Earth. She was found and adopted by Janaka, king of Mithila. মিথিলাৰ ৰজা জনকৰ (তোলনীয়া)জীয়েক আৰু ৰামচন্দ্ৰৰ ভাৰ্যা৷ জনক ৰজাই নাঙলৰ সীৰলুত সীতাক লাভ কৰে৷