Items in Medicine
1. Medicine(Proper Noun-Neuter) Unani-tibb or Unani Medicine also spelled Yunani Medicine is a form of traditional medicine practiced in middle-east. মধ্যপ্ৰাচ্য আৰু দক্ষিণ পূব এচিয়াৰ পৰম্পৰাগত চিকিৎসা পদ্ধতি।
2. Medicine(Abstract Noun) Claimed to be form of alternative medicine developed in 1922 by Jaapanese buddhist Mikao. Reiki is considered pseudoscience. It is based on qi ("chi"), which practitioners say is a universal life force, although there is no empirical evidence that such a life force exists. ১৯২২ চনত জাপানত আৰম্ভ কৰা পদ্ধতিটোক, বিকল্প সিকিৎসা পদ্ধতি বুলি দাবী কৰা হয়৷ ই দৰাচলতে অপবিজ্ঞান৷
3. Medicine(Proper Noun-Neuter) A tretise by Sushruta,who was an ancient Indian surgeon commonly credited as the author of the treatise Sushruta Samhita. He is dubbed as the "founding father of surgery" and the Sushruta Samhita is identified as one of the best and outstanding commentary on Medical Science of Surgery. He is said to have been a physician originally of South India active in Varanasi. His period is usually placed between the period of 1200-600 BCE. সুশ্ৰুতৰ দ্বাৰা ৰচিত শৈল চকিত্সাৰ গ্ৰন্থ৷ পৌৰাণিক ভাৰতত শৈল চিকিত্সাৰ বাটকটীয়া৷ খ্ৰীঃ পূঃ ৬০০ পৰা ১২০০ৰ ভিতৰত৷
4. Medicine(Proper Noun-Common &/or Masculine) An ancient Indian surgeon commonly credited as the author of the treatise Sushruta Samhita. He is dubbed as the "founding father of surgery" and the Sushruta Samhita is identified as one of the best and outstanding commentary on Medical Science of Surgery. He is said to have been a physician originally of South India active in Varanasi. His period is usually placed between the period of 1200-600 BCE. পৌৰাণিক ভাৰতত শৈল চিকিত্সাৰ বাটকটীয়া৷ খ্ৰীঃ পূঃ ৬০০ পৰা ১২০০ৰ ভিতৰত৷
5. Medicine(Proper Noun-Masculine) One of the principal contributors to the ancient art and science of Ayurveda, a system of medicine and lifestyle developed in Ancient India. He is famous for authoring the medical treatise the Charaka Samhita. Charaka has been identified as a native of Kashmir. He is well known as the "father of medicine" পৌৰাণিক ভাৰতত আয়ুৰ্বেদ শাস্ত্ৰৰ বাটকটীয়া৷
6. Medicine(Proper Noun-Neuter) Medical treatise by Charaka. Charaka was one of the principal contributors to the ancient art and science of Ayurveda, a system of medicine and lifestyle developed in Ancient India. He is famous for authoring the medical treatise the Charaka Samhita. Charaka has been identified as a native of Kashmir. He is well known as the "father of medicine" চৰকৰ দ্বাৰা ৰচিত আয়ুৰ্বেদ গ্ৰন্থ৷ পৌৰাণিক ভাৰতত আয়ুৰ্বেদ শাস্ত্ৰৰ বাটকটীয়া৷
7. Medicine(Common Noun-Neuter) Any one of the 11 species of slow-growing perennial plants with fleshy roots, belonging to the genus Panax of the family Araliaceae.
পেনাচ জাতিৰ অন্তৰ্ভূক্ত এঘাৰত প্ৰজাতি থকা, মঙহাল শিপাযুক্ত ঔষধি গছ৷ চীন দেশীয় পৰম্পৰাগত দৰবত হাজাৰ বছৰ ধৰি ব্যৱহৃত হৈ আহিছে৷
8. Medicine(Material Noun-Neuter) is a thick, sticky tar-like substance with a colour ranging from white to dark brown (the latter is more common), is found predominately in Himalaya and Tibet mountains, Caucasus mountains, Altai Mountains, and mountains of Gilgit Baltistan Pakistan.It is used in Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine. It has been reported to contain at least 85 minerals in ionic form, as well as triterpenes, humic acid and fulvic acid.
হিমালয় অঞ্চলত পোৱা লিকটীয়া বগা-কজলা ৰঙৰ পদাৰ্থ৷ পৌৰাণিক পৰম্পৰাগত দৰবত প্ৰয়োগ কৰা হয়৷ ইয়াত ৮৫টা মান মনিক আছে বুলি জনা গৈছে৷
9. Medicine(Material Noun-Neuter) Antibiotic obtained from mould এবিধ প্ৰসিদ্ধ এণ্টিবায়টিক৷ ই ৰোগ সৃষ্টিকাৰী বীজাণুৰ বৃদ্ধি আৰু বিকাশত বাধা দিয়ে৷
10. Medicine(Material Noun-Neuter) An enzyme contained in gastric juice. খোৱা বস্তু শৰীৰে গ্ৰহণ কৰিব পৰা ৰূপলৈ পৰিৱৰ্তিত কৰাত সহায় কৰা এবিধ উৎসেচক
11. Medicine(Abstract Noun) any effect of a drug, chemical, or other medicine that is in addition to its intended effect, especially an effect that is harmful or unpleasant
12. Medicine(Material Noun-Neuter) a medicine that can counter the ill-effect of an illness or poison
ৰোগ বা বিষৰ কুপ্ৰভাৱ নিৰ্মূল কৰিব পৰা ঔষধ
13. Medicine(Material Noun-Neuter) able to stop the loss of blood from a wound
ৰক্ত ক্ষৰণ ৰোধ কৰা ঔষধ
14. Medicine(Material Noun-Neuter) Pertaining to substances that prevent the growth of disease-causing microorganisms. ৰোগ সৃষ্টিকাৰী অণুজীৱৰ বৃদ্ধি ৰোধ কৰা দ্ৰব্য বিষয়ক৷
15. Medicine(Common Noun-Neuter) anything (added to the medication) that aids in the treatment of disease, management of pain, etc. ৰোগ নিৰাময়, বিষৰ পৰা উপশম কৰা আদিত সহায় কৰা, ঔষধৰ সৈতে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা আন দ্ৰৱ্য
16. Medicine(Abstract Noun) A bachelor degree in medical sciences.