
Amaranth (English) [ IPA: ˈæməˌrænθ ASM: অমৰন্থ]
Contributed by: Bikram M Baruah on 2010-11-18
1. Flowers(Common Noun-Neuter) is a cosmopolitan genus of herbs. Approximately 60 species are recognized, with inflorescences and foliage ranging from purple and red to gold. Members of this genus share many characteristics and uses with members of the closely related genus Celosia. ডাঠ বেগুণীয়া, ৰঙা বা সোণালী বৰণৰ ফুল ফুলা, য’তে-ত’তে হোৱা এবিধ সৰু গছ ৷ ইয়াৰ প্ৰায় ৬০ বিধমান বিভিন্ন প্ৰজাতি আছে ৷
English: Amaranth

Sub Idea:

a. Common Noun-Common: amaranths, amaranthus, Amaranthus viridus L, pigweed, ক্ষুত্তৰণ...
b. Common Noun-Common: Celosia cristata L., Celosia flower, Celosia plant, cockscomb, কুকুৰা জবা...