Nagamese (English) [ IPA: [Nagamese] ASM: নাগামিজ্]
Contributed by: Partha P Sarmah on 2008-02-04
Nagamese (Nagamese)
Contributed by: Mousumi Konwar on 2023-07-06
Nagamese (English) [ IPA: [Nagamese] ASM: নাগামিজ্]
Contributed by: Partha P Sarmah on 2008-02-04
1. Language-Linguistics(Abstract Noun) the lingua franca of Nagaland. নগালেণ্ডৰ সংযোগী ভাষা৷
Nagamese (Nagamese)
Contributed by: Mousumi Konwar on 2023-07-06
2. Language-Linguistics(Abstract Noun) the lingua franca of Nagaland. নগালেণ্ডৰ সংযোগী ভাষা৷