NagariNagarjuna Buddha
Nagarjuna (English)
Contributed by: Tapan K Sarma(তপন কুমাৰ শৰ্মা) on 2015-06-22
Nagarjuna (English)
Contributed by: Tapan K Sarma(তপন কুমাৰ শৰ্মা) on 2015-06-22
1. Budhaism(Proper Noun-Masculine) He is widely considered one of the most important Buddhist philosophers after Gautama Buddha. Along with his disciple ?ryadeva, he is considered to be the founder of the Madhyamaka school of Mah?y?na Buddhism. গৌতম বুদ্ধৰ পাচত সেই ধৰ্মৰ অন্যতম ডাঙৰ পণ্ডিত৷ মহাযান বৌদ্ধবাদৰ অন্তৰ্গত মধ্যমক চিন্তাগোষ্ঠীৰ প্ৰতিষ্ঠাপক৷