asafoetida (English) [ IPA: asafoetida ASM: এচাফ’ইটিডা]
Contributed by: Rupankar Mahanta on 2008-04-09
asafoetida (English) [ IPA: asafoetida ASM: এচাফ’ইটিডা]
Contributed by: Rupankar Mahanta on 2008-04-09
1. (Material Noun-Neuter) the fetid gum resin of various Asian plants of the genus Ferula (especially F. assafoetida, F. foetida, or F. narthex) occurring in the form of tears and dark-colored masses, having a strong odor and taste, and formerly used in medicine as an antispasmodic and in folk medicine as a general prophylactic against disease পূৰ্বৰ দেশসমূহত স্থানীয় ঔষধত ব্যৱহৃত হোৱা এবিধ আঠাজাতীয় ৰেজিন