bamon (Meeteilon) [ Roman: ba.mon]
Contributed by: Mohen Naorem on 2010-08-07
bamon (Dimasa)
Contributed by: Kulendra Daulagupu on 2009-08-13
bamon (Meeteilon) [ Roman: ba.mon]
Contributed by: Mohen Naorem on 2010-08-07
1. (Common Noun-Common) A member of the highest of the four major Hindu castes of traditional Indian society, responsible for officiating at religious rites and studying and teaching the Vedas. হিন্দু ধৰ্মৰ চাৰিটা প্ৰধান জাতিৰ ভিতৰত অতি উচ্চ জাতি আৰু সেই জাতিৰ ব্যক্তিসকল৷
bamon (Dimasa)
Contributed by: Kulendra Daulagupu on 2009-08-13
2. (Common Noun-Common) A member of the highest of the four major Hindu castes of traditional Indian society, responsible for officiating at religious rites and studying and teaching the Vedas. হিন্দু ধৰ্মৰ চাৰিটা প্ৰধান জাতিৰ ভিতৰত অতি উচ্চ জাতি আৰু সেই জাতিৰ ব্যক্তিসকল৷