bordhemali (English) [ IPA: [bordhemali]]
Contributed by: Atul Ch. Kakoti on 2010-12-24
bordhemali (English) [ IPA: [bordhemali]]
Contributed by: Atul Ch. Kakoti on 2010-12-24
Ref: হেমকোষ - ১২শ সংস্কৰণ (২০০৬ চন)
1. (Abstract Noun) a part of the musical performance with Khol and Mridanga played at the yesterday of the Bhaona মূল ভাওনা আৰম্ভ হোৱাৰ আগৰ দিনটোত খোল, মৃদং আদিৰে কৰা গায়ন বায়নৰ এটা ভাগ ৷