
chyup ai (Singpho) [ IPA: ʧup a:i]
Contributed by: Sabin Saikia on 2024-11-30
1. (Verb-Trans.) To draw (liquid) into the mouth by movements of the tongue and lips that create suction. ওঁঠেৰে চেপি ৰস খা
English: suck,
Assamese: চুপি খা, চুহ্, চোহ্, চৰহ, শোহা মাৰ্, শোহ্‌,
Meeteilon: chuppa,
Mizo (Lushai): fawp,
Karbi: kangjup, kangsip, kichu,
Nagamese: choh,
Dimasa: jop, jopkhu,
Deori: চুপি, চুহি,
TAI-Turung: chyup,
Singpho: chyup ai

Different POS:

a. Verbal Noun: sucking, suction, চোৰোহা, জোলোক, শোষণ...