cloudyclove bean

clove (English) [ IPA: ˈkloʊv ASM: ক্ল’ভ]
Contributed by: Panchalika on 2006-07-13
1. (Material Noun-Neuter) aromatic dry buds of a tree, used in food, aromatherapy, medicines etc. botanical name:Syzygium aromaticum মুখশুদ্ধিৰূপে বা দৰৱত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা এবিধ গছৰ শুকান সুগন্ধি অঙ্কুৰ

English: clove,
Assamese: লং,
Bodo: लं,
Nagamese: long,
Hindi: लवंग,
Deori: লংচ্চিতি

Contributed by: Guillaume Jacques on 2006-07-13
2. (Material Noun-Neuter) the pulp of a fruit that contains the seed. কঁঠাল, টেঙা আদিৰ ভিতৰৰ কোঁহ।

English: capel, clove, pip,
Assamese: ফুট, ফুটা