consolation prizeconsolidate
console (English) [ IPA: ˈkɑnˌsoʊl ASM: কনচ’ল]
Contributed by: Dr. Neelotpal Deka, LL.M. (IT & IP Law, UK) on 2007-06-19
console (English) [ IPA: ˈkɑnˌsoʊl ASM: কনচ’ল]
Contributed by: Dr. Neelotpal Deka, LL.M. (IT & IP Law, UK) on 2007-06-19
Ref: Pronouncing Anglo-Assamese Dictionary by Suddhartha Barua, ed. Dr. Hiren Gohain
1. (Verb-Trans.) to give comfort to or to lessen the sorrow of (a person in distress) (শোকগ্ৰস্ত মানুহক) বুজাই-বঢ়াই দুখ পাতলোৱা