darter (English) [ IPA: ˈdɑrtər ASM: ডাৰ্টাৰ]
Contributed by: Pankaj Borah (পঙ্কজ বৰা) on 2008-07-10
darter (English) [ IPA: ˈdɑrtər ASM: ডাৰ্টাৰ]
Contributed by: Pankaj Borah (পঙ্কজ বৰা) on 2008-07-10
1. Bird(Common Noun-Common &/or Masculine) The darters or snake-birds are birds in the family Anhingidae. There are four living species, one of which is near-threatened. The darters are frequently referred to as snake-birds because of their long thin neck, which gives a snake-like appearance when they swim with their bodies submerged. পানীত বুৰ মাৰি মাছ ধৰা এবিধ কাউৰীৰ দৰে ক’লা চৰাই | দেহৰ বৰণ ক’লা আৰু ডিঙিটো সাপৰ দৰে দীঘল হয় |
English: anhinga melanogaster, darter, snake bird,
Assamese: কাকহাঁহ, মনিয়ৰী,
Bangla: ডারতার, ডার্টার
Assamese: কাকহাঁহ, মনিয়ৰী,
Bangla: ডারতার, ডার্টার