dew-point (English) [ IPA: dew-point ASM: ডিউ-পইণ্ট]
Contributed by: Probodh Borah (প্ৰবোধ বৰা) on 2011-03-11
dew-point (English) [ IPA: dew-point ASM: ডিউ-পইণ্ট]
Contributed by: Probodh Borah (প্ৰবোধ বৰা) on 2011-03-11
1. Physics(Abstract Noun) the temperature to which air must be cooled, at a given pressure and water-vapor content, for it to reach saturation; the temperature at which dew begins to form যি উষ্ণতাত বায়ুত প্ৰকৃততে থকা জলীয় বাষ্পখিনি বায়ুক সংপৃক্ত কৰিবৰ বাবে ঠিক যথেষ্ট হয়