elasticity (English) [ IPA: ɪˌlæsˈtɪsətiː ASM: ইলাচটিচিটি]
Contributed by: Rupankar Mahanta on 2008-03-19
elasticity (English) [ IPA: ɪˌlæsˈtɪsətiː ASM: ইলাচটিচিটি]
Contributed by: Rupankar Mahanta on 2008-03-19
1. Physics(Abstract Noun) the property of a substance that enables it to change its length, volume, or shape in direct response to a force effecting such a change and to recover its original form upon the removal of the force টানি দীঘল বা মৰিয়াই বহল কৰি এৰি দিলে নিজৰ প্ৰাৰম্ভিক অৱস্থালৈ ঘূৰি আহিব পৰা ক্ষমতা