fertilized (English) [ IPA: ˈfərtəˌlaɪzd ASM: ফাৰটিলাইজড]
Contributed by: Rupankar Mahanta on 2007-05-02
fertilized (English) [ IPA: ˈfərtəˌlaɪzd ASM: ফাৰটিলাইজড]
Contributed by: Rupankar Mahanta on 2007-05-02
1. (Verbal Adj.) An ovum that has been fused with a sperm and the process of development of an embryo has been initiated ডিম্বাণুৰ শুক্ৰাণুৰ সৈতে মিলন হৈ ভ্ৰূণ সৃষ্টি হোৱা অৱস্থা