foresighted (English) [ IPA: foresighted ASM: ফ’ৰচাইটেড]
Contributed by: Biraj Kumar Kakati on 2008-08-03
English: farsighted, foresighted, prospicient, visionary,
Assamese: অতিদৰ্শী, দীৰ্ঘদৰ্শী, দূৰদৃষ্টিসম্পন্ন, দূৰদৰ্শী
foresighted (English) [ IPA: foresighted ASM: ফ’ৰচাইটেড]
Contributed by: Biraj Kumar Kakati on 2008-08-03
1. (Proper Adj.-Common &/or Masculine) One who thinks for long future and plans prudently for the future. ভৱিষ্যতৰ কথা চিন্তা কৰি পৰিকল্পনা কৰা লোক ।
Assamese: অতিদৰ্শী, দীৰ্ঘদৰ্শী, দূৰদৃষ্টিসম্পন্ন, দূৰদৰ্শী