frowzy (English) [ IPA: frowzy ASM: ফ্ৰাউজি]
Contributed by: Partha P Sarmah on 2011-03-04
frowzy (English) [ IPA: frowzy ASM: ফ্ৰাউজি]
Contributed by: Partha P Sarmah on 2011-03-04
1. (Proper Adj.-Neuter) very unpleasant stuffy condition in a room etc.where there is more people than it can accommodate and you sweat a lot and feel uncomfortable because there is no fresh air. জোখতকৈ বেছি মানুহ থকা কোঠা আদিত মুক্ত, সতেজ বতাহ নথকাৰ বাবে গৰমত ঘামত তিতি জুৰুলি-জুপুৰি, অশান্তিদায়ক গৰম৷