mangda chongshinbamanger

mange (English) [ IPA: ˈmeɪndʒ ASM: মেঞ্জ]
Contributed by: Priyankoo (প্ৰিয়ংকু) on 2006-12-16
1. (Abstract Noun) any skin disease caused by parasitic mites affecting animals and sometimes humans and characterized by loss of hair and scabby eruptions পৰজীৱী চাঁহিয়ে জন্তুৰ ছালত কৰা এবিধ বেমাৰ আৰু তাৰ ফলত সৃষ্টি হোৱা ছালৰ শুকান অৱস্থা
English: mange,
Assamese: ফাপৰ,
Bodo: बिगुर मानलु,
Karbi: jangkhung

Different POS:

a. Proper Adj.-Common &/or Masculine: mangey, mangy, scabby, scurby, কুকুহা-উৰা...
b. Proper Adj.-Common &/or Masculine: mangey, mangy, scabby, scurby, কুকুহা-উৰা...