
obscure (English) [ IPA: ɑbˈskjʊr ASM: অবস্কিঅৰ]
Contributed by: Rubul Mout (ৰুবুল মাউত) on 2006-08-06
1. (Proper Adj.) in a condition full of haze or other noises making it difficult for things to be seen or heard. এনে অপৰিষ্কাৰ বা ধোঁৱাময় অৱস্থা যে দেখা বা শুনাত অসুবিধা।

Contributed by: archana rajbongshi on 2006-08-06
2. (Verb-Trans.) Make darker and difficult to perceive by sight. কিহবাৰ উজ্বলতা কমাই দিয়া

Contributed by: Prasanta Borah (প্ৰশান্ত বৰা) on 2006-08-06
3. (Proper Adj.) someone not famous or known to many people. বিখ্যাত নোহোৱা ।