phrongPhrunge Sewa
phronthai (Dimasa)
Contributed by: Arnab Phonglosa on 2010-03-10
Contributed by: Uttam Bathari on 2009-05-06
phronthai (Dimasa)
Contributed by: Arnab Phonglosa on 2010-03-10
1. Vegetables(Common Noun) an annual vine of the genus luffa bearing fruits which have sharp, angled edges. The fruits are eatable when not bitter. পাচলিৰূপে খোৱা লাওজাতীয় এবিধ লতা আৰু তাৰ দীঘলীয়া, চোকা সিৰ থকা সেউজীয়া ফল ৷
English: angled luffa, luffa acutangula, ridged gourd, ridged luffa,
Assamese: জিকা,
Karbi: thachi, thechi, thechi arak,
Dimasa: phronthai,
TAI-Ahom: মাক-অয়-ৰঙ
Assamese: জিকা,
Karbi: thachi, thechi, thechi arak,
Dimasa: phronthai,
TAI-Ahom: মাক-অয়-ৰঙ
Contributed by: Uttam Bathari on 2009-05-06
2. Vegetables(Common Noun-Common) vine or fruit of the plant belonging to the genus luffa. The fruit is edible. The fruit may be allowed to mature so that only a network of xylems is left and then it can be used as a bathing sponge or scrub পাচলিৰূপে খোৱা লাও জাতিৰ এবিধ ফল আৰু তাৰ লতাজাতীয় গছ ৷ পূৰঠ শুকান ফলটো গা ধোৱাৰ সময়ত গা-ঘঁহা জালৰূপে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয় ৷
English: egyptian luffa, luffa aegyptiaca, smooth gourd, sponge gourd, sponge luffa,
Assamese: ভোল,
Dimasa: phronthai,
TAI-Ahom: মাক ফলুং, মাক-ফপ-লুঙ,
Bangla: ধুন্দুল, পুরল
Assamese: ভোল,
Dimasa: phronthai,
TAI-Ahom: মাক ফলুং, মাক-ফপ-লুঙ,
Bangla: ধুন্দুল, পুরল