
deposit (English) [ IPA: dɪˈpɑzət ASM: ডিপ’জিট]
Contributed by: Probodh Borah (প্ৰবোধ বৰা) on 2013-02-21
1. (Material Noun-Neuter) The matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid. জুলীয়া বস্তুৰ তলত পৰা মল বা গোটা পদাৰ্থ |

Contributed by: Probodh Borah (প্ৰবোধ বৰা) on 2013-02-21
2. Business-Commerce-Economics(Common Noun-Neuter) money placed in a bank account বেঙ্কৰ গ্ৰাহকে নিজৰ নামত জমা ৰখা ধন

Contributed by: Bikram M Baruah on 0000-00-00
3. Business-Commerce-Economics(Verb-Trans.) To add money to an account like bank account To add money to an account like bank account